Sneaky Deal is a manhwa that follows the story of a young woman named Jinny who is a popular social media influencer. Despite her fame and fortune, Jinny struggles with saving money and is constantly looking for ways to increase her income. One day, she is approached by a mysterious man who offers her a deal that seems too good to be true. Intrigued by the offer, Jinny eventually agrees to the man’s terms.
However, as she gets deeper into the deal, Jinny begins to realize that there are some serious consequences to her actions. She discovers that the man has ulterior motives and that she has unwittingly become involved in a dangerous scheme. Jinny must now navigate the complicated and dangerous world of the man’s dealings, all while trying to maintain her status as a social media influencer.
As the story progresses, Jinny becomes increasingly conflicted about her decision to accept the man’s offer. She realizes that her desire for wealth and fame has blinded her to the potential dangers of the deal. As she tries to extricate herself from the situation, Jinny learns valuable lessons about the importance of being responsible with money and the dangers of getting involved with shady characters.
Overall, Sneaky Deal is a thrilling and suspenseful manhwa that explores themes of greed, temptation, and the consequences of our actions.